Friday, June 3, 2011

Well, that was a failure

Yesterday was not a productive day for me.

I barely got one job application in because of a late start to my day, I had to clear the play room and the main bathroom, and I got... maybe 300 words added to my writing total.  And this morning, I found out that the puppies had made all new messes on the just-cleaned bathroom.


Anyway, I'm planning on doing a lot of cleaning today.  Technically, I don't have to work on job stuff today, although it would be a good idea.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Getting used to this

The trouble with doing a blog is that you have to have the commitment, energy, and time, although having something to write about helps too.

In any case, I'm going to start doing some writing because I need to be writing.  It is important to me.

And if you happen to be particularly astute, you will notice that my writing in this blog stinks.  I blame several things, including not having enough sleep, not having enough food in me, and the distraction of my older son playing on the Wii.

Getting back on track, I am going to try writing as much as I can.  I started last night, about eleven at night.  Not the best of times to begin something like that.  Still, I managed to get... 608 words done.  Considering that 1,000 words is something like minimum and 1666 2/3 words is NaNoWriMo par, I've got to work on getting my writing stamina back.

Now if I can ignore the feeling that I am not writing a clear story and I should be instead working on OTHER writing projects, everything will be good.

Friday, May 20, 2011

The beginning

Well, this is it.  The start of something, hopefully grand, but already conceited from the sounds of it.  Of course, hidden away from everyone is the large amount of procrastination that went into this.  This is my blog, my step into the world of the Internet, my "HELLO" program to let the world get to know me.

I really do hope that this is the start of something grand, my chance to look at my life and look at my future, and get the two to merge in a way that I find satisfying.  My medium-range goal is to become a video game designer, or to be more accurate, I wish to become a writer for the stories that go into video game designing.  However, it is not just video game designing, but also console game designing, or storyboarding for movies, or any number of writing-related futures that I want.

I have stories.  And I want to tell them.

But first, I have to consider all these things, and that includes what I am going to do with my life, with my blog, and with creations that I want to bring to life and show to the world.

So I am going to try to make my blog entries regular events, and I am going to try to discuss various things that I think are going to matter.  Like everyone else, I will want some personal entries - who I am, what I am doing, how things develop in my life.  There will be some writing, some actual story stuff, although I will have to be careful on those regards to make use of the good ol' SASE tactic for protection of my intellectual property.  There will be some things on gaming as well, possibly broken into two parts, my thoughts on gaming in all its mediums and my gaming ideas itself.  I will also put down my thoughts on the world - although I will try to be careful and self-censor myself because my future employers will be looking through everything they can find on the Internet about me for just that one bit of dirt they can get to disqualify me for a job - the double-edge of the sword of the Information Age.

Does all of this sound confusing, disjointed, chaotic?  It should.  I'm writing at the wee hours of the morning when I should be in bed.

I mean, c'mon!

What kind of a name is "Sagacious Phantasmagoria", anyway?